What ever happened to discernment? Why are people straying away from the Word of God (the Bible), and getting caught up into so many winds of doctrines, manifestations, signs and wonders?
Churches around the world are being permeated with strange manifestations, unbiblical teachings, false ministers, and demonic activity:
*** counterfeit revivals, feathers, gold, gems, oil, blood, orbs, mist, levitation, angels, portals, third-heaven experiences, new revelations, dreams, false prophecies, false healings, false prosperity doctrine, gay ministers, twisting of the scriptures, lying, cheating, blasphemy, fornicating, nudist churches, drunkenness, groping, snake handlers, slithering (like snakes), laughing hysterically and uncontrollably, head banging (shaking head violently), screaming (like they are being tortured), thrashing about violently, witchcraft, shaking, twisting and contorting, hissing (like snakes), hitting and kicking people, pushing people, Kundalini spirit, ekstasis trance dancing, mysticism, bilocation (astral projection), communicating with the dead, soaking, anointings from the dead, vibrations, warm fuzzy feelings, tingling, burning sensations, crawling around, barking like dogs, roaring like lions, cackling like chickens ...
These are demonic deceptions, from Father of Lies (Satan), who is the Destroyer of the faith. Run for your life from these false ministers, who are bringing in damnable heresies and doctrines of demons ...
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